Visualize Tableau Conference: Results of the #Data24 Step Tracker Survey

The data is in — time to viz!
Tableau Conference this year was held in sunny San Diego from April 29-May 1. Post conference, both in-person and virtual attendees submitted their steps to my 3rd annual step tracker.
Now the data is ready for you to create your own visualizations!
This year we had a record 164 participants. Thank you to everyone who submitted data, and a special thanks to all who supported the project by sharing it with others.
Enough small talk, here’s the data:
Want more data? You can find 2023’s data here:
And 2022 here:
I’m excited to see what everyone creates — feel free to tag me on social media so I can see your vizzes!
Bonus Lap: data prep, questions to consider, and inspiration, and feedback opportunities
What data prep was done?
Every person that submitted a response was assigned a User ID. I ensured each person had 1 row of data. Social profiles (Twitter, Bluesky, Tableau Public) were formatted to all follow the same format. Anyone who wished their data remain anonymous, their names + social profiles were removed from the dataset before publishing. 1 spammy entry was removed.
What data prep should I consider?
- Consider pivoting the data for the columns — this will give you 1 column for steps, and one column for dates.

2. After you’ve pivoted the data, change your new “Pivot Field Names” field from “ABC” (string) to a Date field

3. Consider using the social media handle fields to create a URLs that link to someone’s profile, or group different step tracking devices together.
What should I viz?
If you’re unsure where to start, think about these prompts:
- Did in-person folks have more steps than virtual?
- If you attended in person, do you see yourself in the data? How do you compare to the average, mean, or median steps?
- Does the hotel folks stayed at seem to have any impact on steps?
- The official conference days were Monday, April 29 through Wednesday, May 1st. How do these days compare to other days recorded? Why might they be lower or higher than other days?
- If you’re using the 2022 or 2023 data, how many folks are repeat submitters? How do their 2024 steps compare?
Further Inspiration
I’ll close out with a few vizzes from prior years:
Holy Steps Chapman by Michelle Frayman:

#Data23 Step Tracker by Christian Felix:

#WOW2024 Week 17: How far would total steps from TC23 respondents take you? by Deborah Simmonds

If you’re looking for feedback on your viz, I highly recommend Viz Office Hours. Michelle, Nicole Klassen, and Zak Geis offer viz feedback in a very low key, supportive setting. There are no requirements, your viz can be at any stage of the build, and in any tool! Find out more and sign up for a slot here:

That’s all for this year, go forth and viz!
P.S: Thanks to everyone who filled out the feedback section of the survey. While I won’t promise adding sleep tracking next year (my manager doesn’t need to see that!) I’m excited to incorporate new ideas to make next year even better. Feels like we’re just getting started. :)