Makeover Monday 2024 Week 12 — St. Patrick’s Day Spending Walkthrough

Brittany Rosenau
2 min readMar 19, 2024


Makeover Monday is a weekly project where participants improve how they visualize and analyze data — one chart at a time.

Here’s my thought process working through this week’s challenge.

The original chart

My thoughts on the chart:

  • I don’t think labeling every point is necessary
  • The title text is very large compared to the data
  • There’s no insight called out
  • I think red is an odd choice for a line chart about St. Patrick’s day spending, especially when it looks like spending is going up.

Making over the chart in Tableau

This is my first chart in a while — I’ve been traveling for work and for fun. I don’t want to think terribly hard about this one, and want to replicate the line chart but add a bit more style to it.

I’ve decided to:

Overall, a fairly quick (for me) chart this week — most of the time was spent formatting.

Try your hand at this or other challenges by heading to



Brittany Rosenau

Design Nerd | Analytics Professional | 6x Tableau #VizOfTheDay | Iron Viz Finalist | Tableau Visionary + Public Ambassador